Thursday, November 26, 2009

Some thoughts for Thanksgiving

I think it is always good to reflect on the things for which we should be grateful, particularly at this time of the year. With the country in an economically troubled time, we should be particularly thankful for our blessings. It always amazes me, for example, that, with all of the regions of the world where food and drinkable water are hard to come by, we can go into a restaurant where someone will come to our table and take our order, then pile more food in front of us than we can (or should) eat! Not everyone, even in America has this luxury, though. Not everyone has shelter and health and family. Some people (we call them "liberals"... had to get one jab in there!) think this should make those who have these things feel guilty, but I think it just should make us all the more thankful, and determined to help those without, since the blessings we enjoy are only by God's grace.